Two new tenants have signed up for space at The Base in Warrington, the new office building which supports the growth of advanced manufacturing and engineering businesses and their supply chains.

Mobile network infrastructure specialist Iris Networks and software solutions business The Clear Company have taken almost 1,400 sq ft of space in the new development, which is managed by Langtree on behalf of Warrington & Co.

Jayne Furnival, Group Property Director of Langtree says Warrington’s continued place at the head of the north west’s company formation league table is helping drive lettings and enquiries.

“In simple terms, businesses want to be in Warrington because of its locational and workforce advantages.  The town is attracting high value, technology-led businesses and they want a workspace that reflects their clients’ and employees’ needs.  The Base offers state-of-the-art facilities that suit such companies and our enquiry levels reflect this,” said Ms Furnival.

Iris Networks specialise in monitoring and troubleshooting the core, edge and mobile network infrastructure. The company provides products and solutions specifically designed for the network engineer to quickly “prove it’s not the network” and find the root cause.

The Clear Company provides consultancy and specialist software solutions to support organisations to be more inclusive of diverse talent. One of their main campaigns is the promotion of women in engineering.

Commenting on the latest lettings, Steve Park, managing director of Warrington & Co, said: “Investment such as The Base is helping future-proof Warrington’s economy at a time of great change.  Our aim is to reinforce the town centre’s role as a hub for high growth firms, which will drive investment in wider infrastructure and services.  These latest lettings tell us that our approach is the right one.”

Warrington boasts the sixth highest number of start-ups in the country, the highest in the north west and it is in the top ten places in the UK for high growth SMEs.  The Base was opened in January 2016 to help the town capitalise on this key strength and provides 50,000 sq ft of grade ‘A’ flexible space from a single desk up to a whole floor plate of 10,000 sq ft.


Leading communications agency and business tax advisor relocate to Warrington SME hub

Two new tenants have signed up for space at The Base in Warrington, the enterprise hub which supports the growth of advanced manufacturing and engineering businesses and their supply chains.

Business tax advisors R&D Tax Claims (North) Limited and digital marketing agency Carpe Diem have moved to the new development as part of their strategy of supporting high growth manufacturing companies.

“We have one focus: to help company owners legally reduce the amount of tax they pay so that they are left with more funds to invest in growing their businesses,” said Pamela Cunliffe of R&D Tax Claims (North) Limited.  “Manufacturing businesses, particularly in their early stages, are very investment-heavy so The Base is perfect for us as it’s home to growing companies in need of our expertise.”

Bill Carr of Carpe Diem echoed those views but added that the centre’s outstanding broadband capability was also a key reason for his decision to move.

“We can help advanced manufacturing businesses develop a strong online strategy that will enhance their brand and help market their product or services to customers globally, which being tenants at The Base will help us to achieve.  The sort of on-line presence manufacturing businesses need means that communications and connectivity are very important and The Base gives us outstanding benefits in that regard.  Plus, it’s a great place to meet with clients and gives us the flexibility we need as we grow.”

The lettings follow the recent appointment by the building’s manager, Langtree, of Sylvie Morton as business development manager for The Base.  Sylvie said “The Base is a first of its kind for advanced manufacturing and engineering businesses, as well as their supply chains.  Our focus is on helping ambitious SMEs grow via outstanding facilities and support and our latest lettings prove that this strategy is the right one.”

Warrington boasts the sixth highest number of start-ups in the country, the highest in the north west and it is in the top ten places in the UK for high growth SMEs.  The Base was opened in January 2016 to help the town capitalise on this key strength and provides 50,000 sq ft of grade ‘A’ flexible space from a single desk up to a whole floor plate of 10,000 square feet.


The Base, Warrington
The Base, Warrington


Warrington SMEs get new networking champion

Warrington, which leads the north west in company formation, is to get a new enterprise champion as it pushes its growth agenda.

Sylvie Morton, from Nord in France, has been appointed business development manager at The Base, the recently-opened 50,000 sq ft grade ‘A’ office building in Warrington’s emerging central business district.  The building has been developed specifically to meet demand from ambitious SMEs in the advanced manufacturing and engineering sectors.

Mrs Morton has a long track record in helping technology-led businesses grow, having previously fulfilled this role for Manchester’s inward investment agency, MIDAS.  She had a particular focus on advanced materials and was part of the team responsible for developing the region’s supply chain capabilities for new wonder material, graphene.

Her new role, says Sylvie, is as much about helping tenants through providing networking channels to new business as it is in securing business for the centre itself.
“Our customers’ success is what will drive our own, so it makes sense to focus on helping them access new markets and make useful contacts that can help them grow their companies,” said Sylvie.
Sylvie’s role will involve developing an active networking programme, as well as ensuring The Base is recognised for promoting best practice in areas such as technology transfer, corporate venturing and open-source innovation.

“The Base is about reinforcing Warrington’s leading position as a home for advanced manufacturing and engineering businesses, as well as for wider start-ups, and with Sylvie championing them we can expect the town to maintain its place at the top of the leader board for business growth,” said Jayne Furnival, group property director at Langtree, who provide all aspects of the building’s management for owner Warrington & Co, Warrington’s partnership for growth.

The five story development, just fifteen minutes from both Liverpool and Manchester and a short stroll from Warrington railway station, offers flexible space from a single desk up to a whole floor plate of 10,000 square feet.


The Base offers start-ups space, support and credibility, says council

Warrington boasts the sixth highest number of start-ups in the country and is in the top ten places in the UK for high growth SMEs – and now, say bosses at Warrington Borough Council, the town has a fitting new home for ambitious entrepreneurs.

The Base, a 50,000 sq ft grade ‘A’ office building in the town’s emerging central business district, has been developed by Warrington & Co., Warrington’s partnership for growth, on behalf of Warrington Borough Council to meet demand from ambitious SMEs for high quality business space.  And, Leader of Warrington Borough Council; Cllr Terry O’Neill, says, he has no doubt it will soon be humming with enterprise.

“The level of company formation in Warrington just keeps on growing as business people realise that the skills and expertise they need are here in abundance.  We’re targeting The Base at advanced manufacturing and engineering businesses in particular, sectors where Warrington has strong credentials.

“The Base plays to the town’s strengths.  Ambitious businesses want to co-locate with like-minded firms in their early days before they reach a size where they need to spread their wings and so there will be a business development manager on hand to lend their experience as part of the overall package.  A home like this gives small firms enhanced credibility.” added Cllr O’Neill.
The five story development, designed by Liverpool-based Falconer Chester Hall and constructed by ISG, offers flexible space from a single desk up to a whole floor plate of 10,000 square feet.
Jayne Furnival, group property director at Langtree, who provide all aspects of the building’s management, said that The Base’s location was key to its appeal: “You’ve got bus and rail interchanges immediately to the south, along with the town’s retail core, and a growing business base around the stadium.  The emerging central business district will be key to the town’s future growth and we’re delighted to be a focal point of that,” she noted.

Steve Park, managing director of Warrington & Co. added, “This is a fabulous facility in a superb location. Warrington is always top of the UK start up tables and this will provide a much needed facility that will support the growth of fledgling businesses.”

The first tenant is due to move in to the building in early February and discussions are already underway with a number of other parties with regards to taking space, added Jayne.
The High Sheriff of Cheshire, Bill Holroyd CBE, DL, officially opens the building at a ceremony on 21st January for invited guests from the region’s property and business communities.