Sep 12

The Base BBN: Equity Partners & Shareholder Agreements


A masterclass with Brabners and Dougal Paver

Risks and downsides of having a new shareholder in your business and how to protect your business with shareholder agreements.

  1. Equity partners
    Not everyone offering money in return for shares is the right partner for you. What are the risks and downsides of having a new shareholder in your business?  Does a shareholder agreement give you the right protection?  How much involvement do you want to give this new shareholder?  How much cash is it reasonable to raise without ceding either majority control or too much boardroom power?
  2. Shareholder agreements
    You start your business with a few mates and all is well and rosy with the world. And then you have a disagreement.  It’s at that point that you thank your lucky stars that you had put a shareholder agreement in place, as this will govern many aspects of your relationship, particularly if it fractures.  So what do you need to look out for and what should you all want it to include at the outset

We hope you can join us on Tuesday 13th September.