Aug 11

The Base Online Business Event – Access to finance for SMEs


If you could get expert advice from financial experts, what would you ask them?

On the 12th August, we have a panel of experts including Santander, Blue Orchid, Mazars, Brabners and Maven on hand, ready to answer any financial questions you have for your SME.
From grants to loans and equity funding, there are a series of new measures that businesses in Warrington can benefit from and we at The Base want to support you, helping you to understand and improve your financial position.

Ahead of the event, we welcome you to ask your questions by e-mailing them to, we will make sure you get your answers during the online event.

Links to the Microsoft team events will be sent to the attendees a few days before the event.

Karen McKean – Blue Orchid
Jonathan Barnes – Santander
James Davies – Mazars
Daniel Hayhurst- Brabners
James Rosthorn – Maven